Braces can take some time to get used to. One of the most challenging and new experiences people have when they first get braces is eating. When you have done a task multiple times every day your entire life and suddenly have to change, it can become confusing!
The first few days after having braces, you may notice some soreness, however it will get better! It is not uncommon for your lips, cheeks, and tongue to become irritated as they get used to your braces. This can make eating difficult, though it will get better after a few days.
There are certain foods that you will need to stay away from when you have braces.
First, you need to avoid foods that are chewy such as bagels, licorice, pizza crusts, and french bread. Also, you shouldn’t eat crunchy food such as popcorn, chips, and hard candy. Sticky foods such as caramel candies, chewing gum, and gummy candies could get stuck in your braces, causing them to break. Hard foods such as nuts can also break your braces, but don’t worry, there are still many tasty foods out there that you are able to enjoy.
You will also need to be careful with things that you bite on, like corn on the cob, apples, and chicken wings, to name a few. We also suggest trying to avoid habits such as chewing on pens or ice cubes. Nail-biting, and smoking are also strongly discouraged.
Although there will be an adjustment period, know that the benefits will be worth it. By staying away from these foods and habits, you will be that much closer to a beautiful, straight, and healthy smile.
If you have questions regarding the foods you should stay away from or that you can eat when you have braces, simply give us a call at (859) 341-9400.